According to Hermman Rodney Gouellet, the controls and services department, for example, has many challenges to overcome, the first being to have competent staff so that this department can support...Read More
According to the Minister of the Economy, Alamine Ousmane Mey, “Cameroon has chosen strategic planning based on results-based management to conduct its public policies. At the heart of this process...Read More
According to the chief of staff of the Minister of Finance and Budget, Henri Loundou, the actors in the expenditure chain will now have this tool for the commitment of...Read More
For the two projects, the banking institution has released an envelope of CFAF 29 billion. A total of 15 billion are intended for the Chadian health authorities in order to...Read More
Supported by Denise Mekam'ne, Minister of State for Relations with Constitutional Institutions and Independent Administrative Authorities, the project to create the National Authority for Verification and Audit "stems from a...Read More
Cameroon has based its action on Article 31 of the EPA Statutes which states that the country is free to suspend EPA operations if they are faced with exogenous shocks....Read More
In the same vein, Cameroon’s Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development - Alamine Ousmane Mey - said “We need to strengthen the relationships between national information and statistics institutions...Read More
This is a big step, given that "eTransfer makes it possible to ensure the traceability and availability of real-time monitoring information for banks, public treasuries as well as other economic...Read More
As was already the case on August 5, 2020, the Cameroonian Treasury has entered the money market on August 12 with Gabon, also trying to raise 12 billion FCFA, through...Read More
"The aforementioned authorization is granted to the company BANGE Bank Cameroon SA to practice in the banking sector, in strict compliance with the laws and regulations in force", specifies the...Read More
According to the BEAC, the variation in the prices of basic products between January and March 2020 was marked by a cumulative decline in energy products (-10.3%) and non-energy products,...Read More
Equally important, the Minister received a letter from the industry regarding ongoing concerns over forex regulations imposed by the Bank of Central African States (BEAC). On this occasion, he insisted...Read More
According to the Minister Delegate in charge of the Budget, Ludovic Ngatsé, the global strategy for piloting the 2020-2029 public finance reforms reflects the government's will. "This dynamic of reforms,...Read More
This Council, which is held the day after the Inter-State Committee organized in Yaoundé on August 4, 2020, will allow the Ministers of Economy and Finance of CEMAC member States...Read More