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Africa and India map out new Avenues for the Aviation Industry

The Gabonese capital welcomes this week the elite of African civil aviation. As the continent’s aviation sector faces major post-pandemic challenges, the 9th edition of AFI Week promises to be...
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COBAC stops Cameroon transfer of ”Sleeping Funds” to Deposit and Consignment Fund CDEC

Cold snap on the process of transferring funds and assets assigned to the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (Cdec) of Cameroon. While the institution has already collected several billion CFA...
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BVMAC record about 14 Billion FCFA worth of transactions in Q1 of 2024

The Central African Stock Exchange (Bvmac) recorded 82 transactions for a total volume of 1,570,945 securities, representing a value of more than 14 billion FCFA in the first quarter of...
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IRAD to spearhead Rice Development Project in Cameroon

It is through a protocol of two agreements signed on July 8, 2024 with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, that the Agricultural Research Institute for Development (IRAD) will...
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asc impact – the enormous social and economicimportance of the global agricultural and forestryindustry

AFSIC – Investing in Africa, Africa’s Investment event, is only three months away and will take place7th-9th October 2024 in London. With superb support from a wide array of excellent...
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Dawn of the Sahel Confederation: Africa’s New Frontier

On July 5, 2024, West Africa witnessed a pivotal moment with the launch of the Sahel Confederation. This strategic alliance between Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger represents renewed hope for...
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French Development Agency invests over 721 billion FCFA in Cameroon in 2023 on development projects

This is what is revealed in the 2023 activity report for Central Africa published by the French Development Agency, which claims an investment of 1.1 billion euros in Cameroon.A major...
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Rwanda: A Beacon of Economic and Technological Transformation in Africa

In the heart of Africa, Rwanda stands out as a beacon of economic progress and technological advancement. This landlocked nation, once scarred by devastating conflict, has achieved a remarkable economic...
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Mastercard Foundation Fund for Resilience and Prosperity

 AFSIC – Investing in Africa is wholly focused on accelerating Africa’s economic emergence by matching investment opportunities in Africa transforming Africa’s business, trade and investment environment sustainably growing Africa’s economy...
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CEMAC Inter-State Brigade to go operational from January 2025

The deployment of elements of the Mixed Brigade from January 1 constitutes one of the main resolutions of the last Interstate Committee of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa...
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