$ 95,725

Total Gabon: 30 billion FCFA dividend to be paid to shareholders from June 11

Total Gabon shareholders will receive from June 11 their dividend net of tax for the year 2019 of 11 dollars per share, or $ 49.5 million (30 billion francs) for all shareholders . The ordinary General Assembluy of shareholders of Total Gabon approved, on May 29 in Libreville, the distribution of a dividend net of tax for the 2019 financial year of $ 11 per share, or $ 49.5 million (30 billion CFA francs) for all shareholders.

This dividend will be paid in Euros from June 11, 2020 for an equivalent value of 9.88 Euros based on the rate of the dollar of the European Central Bank of May 29, 2020 (or it’s equivalent in CFA francs) fixed at 1.1136 dollars for one euro.

According to the terms of payment, the operations will be carried out with the following banking establishments: Gabonese banking union in Gabon and in France BNP Paribas securities services, as a centralizing establishment, and any financial establishment holding the account.

Total Gabon is 58.28% owned by the Total group, 25% by the Gabonese Republic and 16.72% by private shareholders

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