$ 67,829


Congo and Russia seal Hydraulic Energy Cooperation

The Minister of Energy and Hydraulics, Emile Ouosso, signed, on July 17 in Brazzaville, with the First Vice-President of the State Atomic Energy Corporation (Rosatom) of the Russian Federation, Nikolay...
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Congo and European Union deepen Cooperation

The European Union (EU) is one of the partners of the Republic of Congo with a portfolio estimated at nearly 50 billion FCFA for around twenty socio-economic projects. At the...
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Congo Government promises to support three industrial giants

The Minister of Industrial Development and Private Sector Promotion, Antoine Nicéphore Fylla Saint-Eudes, signed, on June 21 in Brazzaville, protocols of intent with three industrial companies established in Congo, with...
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Cameroon, the Miniature Africa, Sustains Its Position as the Economic Leader of Central Africa Subregion

Cameroon, often referred to as the Miniature Africa due to its cultural, geographical, and economic diversity, once again reaffirms its position as the foremost economic powerhouse in the CEMAC (Economic...
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Congo to partner with UNDP to boost informal sector

Support for the informal sector is, in fact, part of the components contained in the recovery plan that the United Nations system had proposed to the Congolese government to serve...
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AfDB reinforces capacity of Congolese Agric Experts

"Let us know the vision of the Head of State and then the challenges of the agricultural sector, the Congolese must tell us what other type of capacity building they...
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Denis Sassou Nguesso promises Tax incensives to Congolese Enterprises

Following the restrictive measures enacted by the government in response to the spread of the coronavirus, the private sector hopes to benefit from the government from a reduction in corporate...
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France grants Moratorium to Congo

“This signature shows France's unwavering support for the Republic of Congo, at a time of health crisis with significant economic and financial consequences. The initiative of the Paris Club and...
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Brazzaville prepares to host the annual meetings of the African Development Bank

The Congolese capital is, in fact, used to hosting pan-African and international meetings. For the time being, the mission reserves the right to comment on this matter. She continues to...
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147 Congolese Enterprises to benefit from 1.3 billion FCFA

According to the Minister of SMEs, craftsmanship and the informal sector, Yvonne Adelaide Mougany, the goal has been achieved, that of engaging entrepreneurial culture among young people and women. All...
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