$ 64,456

Gabon’s Chamber of Trades and Crafts refines its operationalization

The opening of the National Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Gabon is taking shape, with the approval by the Council of Ministers of the statutes of this body, created by Law No. 027/2018 of 11 June 2019 on the orientation of the National Craft Policy in the Gabonese Republic.

Intended to provide support for the creation of repair and subcontracting businesses, to promote the integration of young people and women in various trades, the Chamber of Trades and Crafts has just registered a small no more in its implementation. The Council of Ministers of November 21 adopted the draft decree approving the statutes of this establishment.

“The approval of the said statutes is an essential step in making this public professional establishment operational,” said the final press release from the Council of Ministers. The structuring of the local crafts sector, in particular through the creation of a national chamber of trades and crafts in Gabon, is becoming clearer.

Fruit of a partnership signed in 2017 between the Ministry of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Permanent Assembly of the Chambers of Trades and Crafts of France, with the support of the French Embassy in Gabon, the Chamber of Trades and crafts is a concrete response to the issues of access to employability and the fight against exclusion. One of these vocations is to offer training to artisans, through artisanal companionship programs.