$ 84,334

Wapicash: Congo’s new mobile payment App

Developed by young people from the Yékolab incubator network, Wapicash Transfert is a solution aimed at promoting transactions and payments by mobile phone.

The Wapicash Transfert application allows you to collect, contribute, pay and send money via the mobile money service. A major innovation, this solution is aimed at the general public, businesses and organizers. “It is a work and financial management tool,” said Max Bonbhel, designer of the application on November 13, during the presentation of this tool.

Through this application, companies will be able to launch large collections campaigns from various suppliers and customers via all existing means of payment, in particular from mobile money to bank cards thanks to the “Pay by link” service, the flagship tool of the application.

Wapicash Transfert is based on a partnership with the mobile telephone operators MTN, Airtel and Orange Money. “Now we will be able to send, receive money, pay our bills and even shop with our mobile money, but by interacting with a bank account,” said Max Bonbhel

Available in Brazzaville, Kinshasa and in Europe, the tool is becoming a response to the dematerialization of money exchanges, particularly in this period of health crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Created in 2018, the Congolese start-up Wapicash’s mission is to constantly offer new payment methods and the management of financial flows around Africa, to contribute to the digital and financial inclusion of unbanked African populations and to maintain the links between the African diaspora and the continent.

It has been awarded the promising title of “innovative project” by the French label French Tech and is part of the Yékolab incubator networks, funded by the Postal and Electronic Communications Regulatory Agency.

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