Africa’s response to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak received a boost today as the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and the Government of Ethiopia received a consignment of medical equipment from the Jack Ma and Alibaba Foundations. The shipment included over 1.5 million laboratory diagnostic test kits and over 100 tons...
Cameroon’s Employer cartel GICAM has appreciated measures rolled out by the government to mitigate the coronavirus. But wants increased support to enterprises and households to enable them tackle the shocks from the deadly pandemic. In statement following the holding of an extra-ordinary session, the Groupement Interpatronal du Cameroun GICAM also called on companies to strictly...
Gabonese authorities have outlawed the sale of pangolin scales in the country. The animal, considered by environmental protection NGOs as the most victim of poaching in the world, is indeed suspected by a team of Chinese researchers of having transmitted the Covid-19 disease to humans, on another game market, some 11,000 kilometers from Libreville, in...
Richard Kamga is a wholesaler dealing in clothes, shoes, jewelries and other fashion accessories from China, where the coronavirus began before spreading across the world. When we met him at Boulevard de la Republique in Douala where he usually buys from the Chinese, he tells us , business has never been the same since the...
Ninety eight billion FCFA is the amount companies in Douala owe the National Social Insurance Fund commonly known as CNPS. The Director of CNPS for the Littoral and South West who made the revelation also disclosed that a forced recovery might be executed to get their due. At a meeting held with 250 companies (debtor...
The President of the Republic, Paul Biya promulgated Law No. 2011/012 of 6 May 2011 concretizing the protection of consumer rights in Cameroon. To guarantee consumers maximum protection, the framework law has put in place restrictions and sanctions on the providers of consumer technologies, goods and services. It also takes into consideration the right to...
L’exploitation de ce bois est pourtant interdite dans le pays. Du Kevazingo a été saisi lundi dernier à Bata, la capitale économique de la Guinée équatoriale. Ce bois précieux, interdite d’exploitation dans le pays, avait été chargé dans sept conteneurs et était acheminé vers les clients, « des acheteurs chinois », d’après l’AFP qui a cité Gabriel...
Les travaux sont prévus du 27 au 30 novembre 2019 à Yaoundé. Le Cameroun, pays d’environ 25 millions d’habitants, pourrait afficher meilleure allure du point de vue de l’habitat. Mais, il est confronté à un phénomène d’exode rural, exacerbé par les crises socio-politiques qui touchent certaines régions. Il accuse également le revers de sa diversité :...
A partir de ce 8 octobre, les citoyens des Emirats arabes unis pourront entrer dans le pays sans demandes préalables. Dès ce 8 octobre 2019, les citoyens des Émirats arabes unis auront le loisir d’entrer en République centrafricaine sans visa préalable. Cette mesure s’appliquera à tous types de passeport : diplomatique, spécial et ordinaire. Cette...