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COVID 19 response in Gabon affects Economic growth – UNDP

In its report on the socio-economic impact of Covid-19 in Gabon, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) indicates that government measures against Covid-19 have made it possible to reduce its negative effects on growth economic. The UNDP has formulated recommendations to be integrated into the strategy of economic recovery.

According to the report of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on the socio-economic impact of Covid-19 in Gabon, informed the Ministry of the Economy and the recovery, on September 9, the Government reacted positively by taking a number of measures, in addition to those relating to health, to respond to the difficult economic and social situation.

“These mitigation measures have made it possible to lessen the negative effects of Covid-19 on household well-being and on economic growth and have complemented those taken at the end of March 2020 by the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of Central African States (Beac) ”, the UNDP report states.

Gabon, notes the UNDP, has the average income of an emerging country, but still the economic structures of a poor country hit by the Covid-19 pandemic when it had succeeded in restoring at the end of 2019, its macro framework -economic. Rightly so, indicates the Ministry of the Economy, the UNDP has issued recommendations on the economic plan, among which, the need to accord the axes of the recovery strategy to the Emerging Gabon Strategic Plan (PSGE) whose actions priorities (reforms, investments, regulation, etc.) should be revisited and backed up by an operational implementation framework, including sustainable financing identified and secured.

“The economic recovery strategy that will be presented in the coming days incorporates components in line with the recommendations of the UNDP,” said the Minister of Economy and Recovery. “It advocates in-depth reforms and sectoral investments to accelerate the diversification of our economy and produce the expected social effects with job creation,” continued Jean-Marie Ogandaga for whom, the sense of priorities and concrete is the leitmotif of this new orientation given to the Gabonese economy to resume growth and maintain the course of development

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