In order to allow farmers to have financing to sustain their activities, then face the related risks (fires, phytosanitary diseases, etc.), the creation of an agricultural insurance company is ideal. This is what emerges from the restitution, on February 8 in Brazzaville, of the study on the establishment of agricultural insurance in the Republic of Congo, carried out by the IRCAM / SEP development consortium, with funding from the Project of support for the development of commercial agriculture (Pdac).
Indeed, from this study carried out over three months, particularly in the departments of Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, Niari and Cuvette, the agricultural sector is not covered by a risk management system. The existing protection regime does not take into account the specificity of the agricultural sector.
“The agricultural sector is fundamental to a country’s economy because it guarantees food self-sufficiency and nutritional security. Unfortunately in Congo, this sector is not sufficiently integrated into the economy, ”lamented Rodi Yannick Bamenensi, consultant to the Consortium.
Noting that “agriculture needs funding to sustain the activity. Agricultural insurance will therefore come as a support to farmers. “
In addition, to be eligible, the risk must be, according to the consultant, random, future, involuntary, etc. Regarding the legal form and legal framework that this company should have, the firm that carried out the study suggested that it be an economic and financial institution with financial and management autonomy. Its management should be entrusted to professionals in the agricultural sector, the economy and insurance.
“This agricultural insurance company to be set up will not be a new competitor for existing companies. It will be more of an opportunity to unite their actions, ”said Rodi Yannick Bamenensi.
Remember that in Congo agriculture is very poorly developed. Of 10 million hectares of fertile land, only 2% is cultivated. Hence its low contribution to GDP, around 4%. This figure is of course related to the very low population density in rural areas and the lack of a real agricultural tradition and funding.
To remedy these multiple difficulties, the Congo and the World Bank have set up the Pdac for a period of 5 years (2017-2022), throughout the territory. The objective of this project is to improve the productivity of farmers and access to markets for producer groups and micro, small and medium-sized agro-industrial enterprises, but also to provide an immediate and effective response in the event of a crisis or difficult situation. ’emergency.