$ 84,209

Cameroon Government seals deal with French group to construct 14 automated toll gates

The contract was signed on May 18 between the Minister of Public Works of Cameroon and the Director General of the Fayat Group in Paris.

300 is the number of jobs that will result from the execution of the project to automate 14 toll gates on certain roads in Cameroon. The financing, design, equipment, operation and maintenance contract was signed on May 18 during a simultaneous videoconference ceremony between the Minister of Public Works Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi and Laurent Fayat, President and CEO of Fayat Group. The Razel BEC-Egis Projects S.A group that won  the project was also represented through the company Tollcam, a Cameroonian company established by said group.

According to the Ministry of Public Works, the 14 automatic toll stations to be built and the road routes are as follows: Nsimalen (Yaoundé-Mbalmayo), Mbankomo (Yaoundé-Mbankomo); Tiko (Douala-Mutenguene); Edea (Douala-Edea); Boumnyebel (Edea-Boumnyebel); Nkometou (Yaoundé-Obala); Bayangam (Bangangte-Bafoussam); Bafia (Obala-Bafia); Mbanga (Douala-Mbanga); Manjo (Mbanga-Manjo); Bandja (Bafang-Bafoussam); Matazen (Bafoussam-Bamenda); Foumbot (Bafoussam-Foumbot) and Dschang (Dschang-Bamougoum).

Aligned with the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) type, this contract ends in 2039. The amount of project implementation is set at CFAF 28.94 billion and once put into service, the automatic toll gates should generate 7 billion in 2021 and up to 53.59 billion in 2039 on the basis of a single rate of 500 CFA francs. For its part, the State of Cameroon will receive 5.482 billion in 2021 and almost 49 billion in 2039.

CEMAC ECO FINANCE learnt the first phase of this project should start as early as May and put it into operation one  year later. Are concerned by this first stage the toll gates of Mbankomo, Boumnyebel, Edea, Tiko, Mbanga, Nsimalen and Nkometou. The other seven will experience a 10-month lag.

With regard to the infrastructure to be built, it will be precisely “a 50m wide toll platform; 2m wide track separating islands; 50m entrances from both sides of the platform. 14 operating buildings (R + 1) are also planned; three maintenance  centers in Tiko, Mbankomo and Bandja; an operations and maintenance center in Mbankomo; 42,000 m2 of parking spaces and retail spaces overall; an automatic classification of vehicles and a data reporting system.

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