$ 83,918

EOG loan 6.25% Net 2019-2024: Gabon pays 7.8 billion FCFA in interest

Gabon will proceed from October 5, 2020, to the payment of the interest on its bond loan called “EOG 6.25% NET 2019-2024”, for an amount of CFAF7.8 billion.

The Bank of Central African States (Beac), Cemac’s sole central securities depository, informs that the Gabonese Ministry of the Economy and Recovery, issuer of the value “EOG 6.25% Net 2019 -2024 ”will proceed on October 5, 2020, to the payment of interest for an amount of 7.8 billion FCFA. “The net coupon to be collected by the bond is 625 FCFA and the opening date for collection operations is October 6, 2020,” says the Central Bank.

During the borrowing operation, for the value “EOG 6.25% NET 2019-2024”, Gabon had mobilized an envelope of 126 billion francs in the last quarter of 2019, whereas it did not initially request than 100 billion francs. The amount sought by the Gabonese government has been increased with the authorization of the financial market regulator, after an oversubscription by investors, ie a subscription rate of 126.34%.

The result of this transaction was listed on the Central African Unified Stock Exchange on February 21, 2020 in Douala, Cameroon, and now allows Gabon to operate transactions on the secondary market of the Unified Stock Exchange of the Central Africa.

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