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79.5 million FCFA to rehabilitate and extend water supply in N’Djamena

The Ministry of Finance and Budget and the French Development Agency (AFD) signed, this Thursday, November 26, two financing agreements for a project for the rehabilitation and extension of the drinking water supply system in the capital city.


The project to rehabilitate and extend the drinking water supply in N’Djamena is co-financed by AFD, the European Union and the Netherlands. Funding for this project amounts to 75.9 million euros.

It aims to improve the living conditions of residents through better access to drinking water in urban and peri-urban areas of the Chadian capital. “These conventions have political issues because they are in the service of development of Chad and more particularly of its capital”, underlines the Ambassador of France in Chad, Bertrand Cochery.

This new project will finance the technical upgrading of drinking water supply infrastructure, as well as the capacity building of the Chadian Water Company (STE) in charge of operating these infrastructure.

The planned achievements include the creation of a new catchment field with 3 new boreholes west of the capital, the construction of 2 castles, the development of 205km of distribution pipes, the rehabilitation of 12 water towers, 33 boreholes and 52 km of faulty pipes. Added to this is the development and rehabilitation of several thousand connections and meters for individuals. The work will last 5 years.

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