$ 95,642

Gabon records milestone wood export to China

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic in the country, the Minister in charge of Forests attended, on May 19 at the Port of Owendo, the largest load in the history of Gabon in terms of timber export: 26,000 m³ to destination of China.

Returned to the port of Owendo as part of the monitoring of the activities of the forest-wood sector, the Minister in charge of Forests, Lee White, supervised the loading of a very large cargo of wood destined for China: 26,000 m³ of wood loaded in the boats.

“This visit is part of the monitoring of activities in the forest-wood sector, including the implementation of measures to prevent, organize and protect personnel during this period of the Covid-19 pandemic,” said a press release from the ministerial department in charge of forests.

By operating this load of 26,000 m³ of wood destined for China, the other objective of Lee White’s presence in Owendo was to show that the forest-wood sector is gradually resuming its activities, despite the drop in global demand; a decline following the coronavirus pandemic and its worldwide social and economic impact.

“This is a historic load. Because it is the largest stock of wood in the history of Gabon. This shows that despite the Covid-19 health crisis, the forest industry continues to turn and exports to China are starting to resume. It gives hope, “said the Minister of Water and Forests.

The Minister took the opportunity to ensure compliance with measures to protect employees from the virus. “I have come to make sure that the health and safety system put in place by my services is very effective in order to ensure and guarantee the health of our agents and those of other administrations, and thus ensure that they can continue to work in good conditions despite the Coronavirus pandemic, ” Lee White said.

Four wood processing units specializing in potting and peeling were visited. The Minister was accompanied by his Deputy Minister, Oswald Séverin Mayounou, and the Director General of Industries, Trade, Wood and Development of forest products, Auguste Ndouna Ango.

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