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Congolese youths hailed as pillars of innovation

The digital economy increasingly requires the involvement of young Congolese and African start-ups. This is evidenced by the discussions at the round table dedicated to the issue of innovation in Africa, in which the Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, Léon Juste Ibombo, took part on November 25, by videoconference.

Organized by the CIO Mag, a magazine linked to technology and IT, the meeting was part of the 9th edition of the Assises de la transformation digital en Afrique (ATDA). The objective is to exchange views on issues related to digital innovation in Africa.

According to Minister Léon Juste Ibombo, the digital sector is buoyant and young people are the pillar of innovation. For him, the government’s innovation policy can be summed up in two phases, namely the support of the state in innovation and the facilitation of the ministry.

Indeed, the African continent under the impetus of the Heads of State, has for Agenda 2063, the emphasis on science, technology and innovation as important levers of capacity building for the achievement of the objectives. development and economic transformation.

“The youth layer is essential in innovation. Also, we cannot talk about digital transformation without adequate infrastructure. In Congo, we have digital infrastructure and fiber optics that facilitate entrepreneurship in this sector. Congo is therefore a very attractive country, ”Minister Ibombo said.

He said that the government has put in place certain devices to promote the emergence of the digital sector, a Congo vision digital 2025 strategy has been approved based on three pillars which are the e-citizen, the e-gov and the ‘e-business.

“Our action plan is based on several axes, namely infrastructure, the legal framework, the development of local digital content, capacity building, digital trust and the development of value-added services”, said Léon Juste. Ibombo

According to him, several other actions have been taken by the Congolese government to promote the development of technical and technological innovation. These include, among other things, a legal arsenal promulgated to protect individual freedoms in the digital space and information systems, the ratification of the African Union Convention on Cyber ​​Security and Data Protection of a personal nature, the fiber optic network interconnection between the Congo and Cameroon on the one hand, which is currently being completed, and the Congo and the CAR on the other hand, the Grande École numérique du Congo launched in 2016.

“We are in talks to ratify the European Union Convention on Cybercrime. Without stopping, my country continues, despite the induced effects of Covid-19, its construction in critical infrastructure. The crisis clearly shows that digital technology is not a luxury but a necessity. “, he said.

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