The Minister of Budget, Public Accounts and Public Portfolio, Ludovic Ngatsé, brought together on November 22 in Brazzaville the general, central and departmental directors of Taxes and Estates and those of Customs and Indirect Taxes to remind them of the obligation of results in the collection of public funds.
In a pedagogical but sincere tone, Ludovic Ngatsé spoke frankly to his colleagues. He focused his communication on four essential points, namely responsibility; professional ethics; loyalty and the obligation of results. A way for the minister to urge the executives of the financial authorities to demonstrate professionalism in order to meet the challenges they must face in mobilizing funds.

Speaking about the obligation of results, Ludovic Ngatsé reminded the general managers that they had been given mission letters, which will be regularly completed according to the new requirements of the government and the level of revenue to be achieved in 2025.
As a result, a performance contract will be signed as of January 1, 2025 , as part of the switch to program budgeting and results-based management, with each general director. ” Each central director will have results to achieve, as will the departmental directors. The point will be made and the reports will have to be sent to the cabinet. For our part, we will regularly update our hierarchy. So, be aware of the responsibilities that you assume since you have just been appointed or reappointed. The year 2025 will be a special year because the State budget will be voted in program mode and the objectives are ambitious but not impossible ,” said Ludovic Ngatsé.
He informed them that in the 2025 budget, contributions from taxes and customs are increasing compared to the budget forecasts for the year 2024. They are set at 1002 billion FCFA for taxes, i.e. a forecast increase of 33.8%, and 220 billion FCFA for customs, i.e. a forecast increase of 18.3%
Aware that in the 2025 finance law, the financial authorities will be the wet nurse with a contribution of more than 50%, the Minister of the Budget, in accordance with the instructions of his hierarchy, said he would no longer tolerate the slightest flaw. He thus promised severe disciplinary sanctions to dishonest executives.
” You must not take advantage of your various positions of responsibility to resolve your personal problems. Be exemplary and honest executives. No one will be protected by me and there will be no special treatment. Dishonest executives who are caught red-handed will answer for their actions. We draw the attention of taxpayers and, in particular, of companies because for there to be corrupt people, there must be corrupters ,” he promised them. Consequently, the minister concluded, a plan to combat anti-values, fraud, tax and customs evasion will be put in place and implemented without weakness.