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Congo validates Public Finance Transparency and Management plan

The various documents of the 2025-2029 strategic plan of the National Commission for Transparency and Accountability in Public Finance Management (CNTR) were validated by the stakeholders involved in the implementation of the transparency code during a workshop organized from October 17 to 19, in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

Participants in these three days of work followed six communications, including those relating to the presentation of the preliminary results of the 2024 CNTR report on the application of the code of transparency and accountability in the management of public finances, as well as the main lessons of the strategic diagnosis of this institution.

This allowed them, among other things, to appropriate the PEFA rating methodology; the vision of the CNTR; the theory of change; the framework for measuring the performance and results of public administrations in the application of the transparency code; the integrated risk management framework and the challenges of implementing the three-year action plan (2024-2026) of the CNTR.

This is how they validated the report on the evaluation of the application of the 2024 transparency code; the 2025-2029 strategic plan; the report on the internal diagnosis of the CNTR; the rolling three-year action plan (2025-2028). The president of the CNTR, Joseph Mana Fouafoua, welcomed, in his closing speech, the fact that Congolese public administrations now have a tool for managing public finances. A tool based, according to him, on values ​​and principles of general interest; adaptability; opportunity; innovation; simplification; facilitation; participation, and of course, transparency and responsibility.

“The CNTR Strategic Plan 2025-2029 that we have been calling for with a rolling action plan is now in our hands. Its methodical application should make the CNTR a reference and excellence institution in the long term in this vast project of public finance reforms in our country ,” he recalled, requesting the assistance of technical and financial partners in the implementation of this strategic plan.

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