$ 84,187

Central African Republic MPs donate 8 million FCFA for Covid 19 roll back

The elected officials of the nation each contributed more than 50,000 FCFA for the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in the Central African Republic, which amounts to 8 million francs. The envelope was handed over this Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at the hemicycle of the National Assembly in Bangui between the MPs and the national committee to combat covid-19.


This amount, according to Moussa Laurent Gon-Baba, President of the National Assembly is a symbolic gesture expressed by the Central African Parliamentarians  in the fight against the coronavirus, “it is in this sense of the measures of the President of the Republic that the deputies Central Africans have therefore decided to make a voluntary contribution in order to make a symbolic gesture to express our solidarity and our commitment in the fight against the coronavirus. For this, we have mobilized eight million which we are donating today to the national committee to combat covid-19, ” the President of the National Assembly said.

The Minister of Health Dr Pierre Somsé who proceeded with the reception of the envelope welcomed this precise gesture of the National Assembly, because the country has just registered two cases which brings today the confirmed number to 14 .

“A very important wish at this precise point in the fight. As you know, we have declared two new cases bringing the number of confirmed cases to 14. These two new cases, suggest a worrying trend in the evolution of the infection in our country, “he appreciates. The country has just registered on Monday April 20 two new cases of disease. One of the cases was a Central African citizen  from Cameroon, where the epidemic is expanding. Given the relationship with Cameroon, the Minister of Health Somsé requests the support of elected representatives of the Nation for the strengthening of actions between these two countries.

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