$ 68,140

BDEAC and BSCA grants credit to Global Developpement S.A

The act was materialized on April 16 in Pointe-Noire with the signing of the tripartite loan agreement between the Development Bank of Central African Countries (BDEAC), the Sino Congolese Bank for Africa (BSCA-Bank ) and the company Global Développement SA.

The documents were initialed by Marcel Ondélé, vice-president of BDEAC, Patrick Hervé Obamby, deputy general manager of BSCA-Bank and Augustin Zodji, president and general manager of Global Développement SA. The financing granted will allow this company to carry out its project to extend and diversify its industrial activities with, among other things, the construction of a fruit juice production plant in Pointe-Noire and the commercial management in Brazzaville as well as the acquisition of industrial equipment and transport materials.

To implement this private project at a total cost of 10.4 billion CFA francs Global Development. The BDEAC grants a loan of 5 billion CFA francs, or 48% of the total cost while the BSCA-Bank grants a loan of 2.6 billion CFA francs or 25% of the total cost, Global Developpement puts as equity 2, 8 billion or 27% of the total cost.

The financing granted is the result of the partnership between these two banks. In fact, as part of its financing strategy, the BDEAC, which aims to support public and private structures at the level of CEMAC (Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa) countries, associates commercial banks in the co-financing of projects to involve them in financing the development of the Central African sub-region.

This credit will allow Global Developpement SA to strengthen its supply of spring water to improve access to drinking water to the various layers of the population. This fits with development goal (SDG) number 3, which is “to enable everyone to live in good health and promote the well-being of all at all ages,” said Marcel Ondélé.

The loan will also allow this company to diversify its activities through the production and processing of quality fruit juices and other non-alcoholic beverages. It will thus help to reduce the level of imports of these products. The completion of the Global Développement SA project will reduce unemployment with the creation of around 200 jobs.

Giving the reasons which motivated them to grant the loan to this company, Marcel Ondélé explained that this was favoured by the fact that his project fits well with the operational strategy objective number 3 of the 2017-2022 strategic plan of the BDEAC which advocates the diversification of its portfolio by strengthening interventions in favour of the private sector. Indeed, said the project takes into account the threefold economic, social and environmental dimension inherent in sustainable development projects.

It aims to improve the agro-food supply in Congo and beyond in the sub-region and fits well with SDG number 3. The project is also perfectly in line with axis 2 of the national development plan (PND ) 2018-2022 of the Republic of Congo which focuses on the diversification and structural transformation of the economy.

Patrick Hervé Obamby, for his part, urged Global Développement to respect the commitments for a happy follow-up. For his part, Augustin Zodji assured him of their commitment to the success of the project.

Note that with this new intervention, the cumulative volume of BDEAC financing in favour of the Congo amounts to 235 billion CFA francs.