The African Development Bank (AfDB), through the African Natural Resources Management and Investment Center, is organizing, this August 14, a virtual workshop to validate six diagnostic reports of the multi-country project on the governance of natural resource outflows for better economic resilience in fragile and transition countries (Gonat).

The reporting process was subject to three rounds of review and comments from internal and external project stakeholders, including regional member countries, Bank field offices, selected Bank and external sector experts, concerned governments, and the project team. Indeed, the development of these six reports was based on various research and interviews conducted in the target countries: the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, Chad, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, and Zimbabwe.
An innovative project, Gonat aims to strengthen national capacities for managing natural resource outflows, by covering issues related to resource-backed loans and illicit trade in natural resources, in order to strengthen national resource mobilization, debt sustainability and overall economic resilience in certain African countries in transition.
This is, in fact, a project that will enable the countries concerned to strengthen national capacities in the management and trade of natural resources. Specifically, the said project will promote the improvement and mobilization of national resources, debt sustainability and economic resilience in the said countries.
The meeting is attended by senior government officials from the six beneficiary countries, senior management and staff of the AfDB, national focal points from the beneficiary countries, members of the Gonat project team, the private sector, civil society organizations and multilateral development organizations.