$ 84,553

North-South Development Association launches “Connecting Days” to valorise Business opportunities

The schedule of one-off meetings allowing companies or people to discuss business opportunities in Africa, entitled “Connecting days 2021”, initiated by the Association Développement Relations Nord Sud – ADRNS, will start on Thursday, January 21 with the Nigeria.

Visual of the first day of Connecting Days by ADRNS pays tribute to Nigeria The concept of “Connecting Days”, according to the organizers, are meetings, in collaboration with organizations representing the countries, which will sometimes be in Full Digital, sometimes face-to-face depending on the health constraints related to Covid-19.

They offer a distinctive opportunity for sponsors, virtual exhibitors, panellists and partners, to expand their network and identify business opportunities. For the first day, Nigeria will be in the spotlight on investment opportunities – the risks – the challenges – the prospects in a continent of the future. Several speakers have already confirmed their participation. On the screen will follow, around Dimitri Mfoumou Titi, president of ADRNS, industry leaders or business leaders and “Game Changer”, people who want to change the situation such as: Douglas Mbiandou, Ijeoma Onah , Dr Amy Jadesimi, Franck Mongo, Wilson Erumebor, Abiodun Odunuga or John Okoro.

By videoconference, they will highlight innovative companies that work and support economic development in Nigeria. Registrations are open to welcome a population of entrepreneurs and actors involved and concerned, bringing together officials and politicians from the African continent and decision-makers from private companies, funders as well as associations that have carried out significant projects in their countries of. origin.

These Connecting days, say the organizers, come at a point when we see the difficulty that businessmen and women face in getting around. They constitute unique meetings allowing companies or people who so desire to have contacts in the country, or else specific information where they can mandate Continental Working to carry out preliminary work in order to obtain answers or solutions during the consultation. day, or in a support offer until closing.

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