$ 92,607

Traders in Congo encouraged to pay taxes

The Director General of Taxes and Domains, Ludovic Itoua, launched an appeal on October 27 in Brazzaville for taxpayers to pay taxes in order to allow the tax administration to cope with budgetary requirements. He spoke during a meeting with the trade union of Congo traders.

“We tried to meet the trade union of Congo traders to talk with them. Because the force of taxes is the taxpayers. We cannot go into 2021 with outstanding problems, we had to discuss them, ”said the Director General of Taxes.

For some time now, traders have been denouncing the bad practices of certain tax officers who proceed to the abusive closure of stores in Ouenzé (5th arrondissement of Brazzaville), because of the property tax without a formal notice; collections by tax agents without supporting documents; the increase of the simple to double the amount of taxes of some traders, without valid reasons.

“We are aware of the deviant behavior of some of our employees in the field. We will have the opportunity to make them sit down to raise their awareness and moralize them so that the disparaged practices do not happen again, “said Ludovic Itoua.

For the vice-president of the trade unions of Congo traders, Alexandre Ossébi, this meeting was saving. “It’s a meeting we’ve wanted for a while. Because of these abuses, in Makélékélé, there are around 60% of traders who have not yet paid their taxes because of the demands of the agents ”, he underlined and continued:“ The payment of taxes is for us a duty. Unfortunately, for this year the situation has become more complicated because of the health crisis and the tax officials are not making it easy for us. The manager reassured us, we are confident. “

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