$ 67,956

May 6, 2024

UBA Cameroon Reveals Plans to Support SMEs Thanks to an Agreement with the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

After the agreement between UBA Group and the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat in 2023 to invest $ 6 billion as funding for African Small and Medium Enterprises...
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Quarterly borrowing rate – Cameroon reached the mark of 101.3% in 3 months

In detail, between January and March 2024, four financing agreements valued at 240.7 billion FCFA were signed by the Cameroonian authorities. Of the total amount borrowed during the indicated period,...
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University of Ngaoundere and UBA Cameroon seal Partnership to secure access to Financial Services

In a bid to facilitate access to financial services, a partnership agreement has been signed between UBA Cameroon and the University of Ngaoundere. Prof. MAMOUDOU ABDOULMOUMINI Vice Chancellor of the...
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FODECC to give 10.5 Billion FCFA Subsidy to Cameroon Cocoa and Coffee farmers

According to information provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the State will contribute 6.3 billion FCFA, while the Central African Forest Initiative (Cafi) will supplement with a...
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Full Year 2023: UBA Gross Earnings Rises by 143% YoY, Profit hits $1.06bn

• Declares 0.24 cents Final Dividend• Total Assets Rise by 90.2% to $21.7 billion• Shareholders’ Funds Hits $2.1bn, achieving an impressive growth of 120.2%. In another unprecedented performance, Africa’s Global...
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