$ 68,165

Over 1500 billion FCFA raised through BVMAC in 2023

Although the market capitalization of available securities increased by 36.8% over one year, efforts are still expected so that the Central African Securities Exchange (Bvmac) achieves its objectives, underlines the report on monetary policy. of the Bank of Central African States (Beac), published at the end of March 2024.

To better understand the increase observed, the data from the latest report highlights that it was made possible thanks to the listing of new values; to the appreciation of certain securities and the initial public offering of several new bonds and shares, the case in particular of Gabon with a Bond Loan of 6.25% Net 2022-2028 and the shares of the Gabonese Commercial Reinsurance Company ( SCG-Re). Securities and bonds which made it possible to collect 180 billion CFA francs, which further favored the market capitalization of Bvmac during the year 2023.

Although Bvmac carried out its activities in an economic context marked by heightened competition from the money market, orchestrated by the Beac, the increase in market capitalization was also orchestrated by national, sub-regional banks and the States of the sub-region.

In the process of extending its shares, the Cameroonian Regional Bank proceeded on May 29, 2023, to an increase of 17% in the number of shares introduced to Bvmac, i.e. an admission to listing of 10,459 new property titles form the bank; which increased Bvmac shares from 61,630 to 72,089 shares. In the same vein, on November 23, 2023, the State of Cameroon will boost the capitalization of the Bvmac bond compartment by more than 176 billion FCFA, via the listing on the stock market of its very first multi-tranche bond loan, closed in June 2023.

In addition to the key role of national banks, on February 15, 2023, the 2022-2029 bond issue of the Development Bank of Central African States (Bdeac) made it possible to capitalize the financial market with an amount estimated at 110 billion of FCFA.