$ 83,988

Congo unveils reformed tax system

The Republic of the Congo plans to install an electronic invoicing system via a machine, a system that will allow tax officers to have the information necessary for the control of the tax declarations subscribed, in particular those of the value added tax (VAT). .

The Serbian company, Incodev, recruited to set up this project presented the said project on September 29 in Brazzaville in the presence of the Minister of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo.

“The electronic invoicing system is very important for accounting, traceability and value added tax. It will be beneficial for the tax administration as well as for the taxpayers as well as the consumers ”, explained the expert consultant to Incodev, Emmy Mbera, continuing that instead of using the paper biller, the large taxpayers, actors of the formal and informal sector will use a machine during transactions.

As for its importance for the tax administration, the E.taxe project manager, Lambert Ifoko, indicated: “the project which has just been presented will allow the tax administration to have control of the compound turnover. Sales. This is a way for tax officials to have the information necessary to control the tax returns made. “

Otherwise, he continued, this system will allow E.taxe to acquire information capable of ensuring whether the declarations made by taxpayers correspond to the data that the machine makes available to them.

“The search for transparency is the basis of all these reforms. The tax administration will define the specificities of the machines. And, it will be up to the suppliers to comply, ”concluded Lambert Ifoko.

For better control of state revenue, the Ministry of Finance has set up the public finance management system which includes several applications aimed at securing public funds.

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