National experts began discussions in Brazzaville on February 15 for the adoption of the certification system for qualifying pathways and the Valorization of acquired experience (VAE).
Initiated by the Skills Development Project for Employability, co-financed by the Congolese government and the World Bank, the qualification pathway certification system aims to meet international standards in terms of technical training, in order to promote national diplomas. and to broaden the horizon of openings to young holders of: Vocational aptitude certificate; Certificate of technical studies; Higher technician’s certificate; Professional and master license.

Launched last year, work on the development of the new system is led by officials from the Ministry of Technical and Vocational Education, Qualifying Training and Employment, with technical support from Expertise France. The certification process for qualifying pathways and VAE, currently being developed, covers around thirty sectors in the fields of rural trades, services, industry and construction.
At the end of this session, which is supposed to last ten days, the participants will have proposed a provisional document of the national certification framework for qualifying pathways and VAE. Once adopted, its implementation will require major reforms in the legal framework for technical certificates in the Republic of Congo.