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Congo edges closer to payment interoperability

The pilot phase of the new “Congo-Pay” platform was launched on December 29 in Brazzaville. Thanks to its QR coding system, “Congo-Pay” will ensure transactions between mobile operators and merchant accounts (bank card, etc.).

The new mobile payment platform is an initiative of the Congolese government with the help of the Indian government and is carried out by the company TarraPay, a brand specializing in digital payment solutions and infrastructures helping to connect various payment systems in a fluid way to transfer funds in real-time.

According to one of the project designers, Éric Armel N’Doumba, the Telecom adviser, Congo-Pay will allow the aggregation of all the other means of payment that already exist at the national level. “It is not replacing them but to provide more in terms of interoperability between Airtel money, Mobile money and merchant accounts”, he explained, adding that his field is not limited to the level of transfers of money, but also to the payment of administrative charges, taxes and invoices.

On the side of the authorities, we are satisfied to have launched a first public platform to promote financial inclusion, financial resilience and the reduction of inequalities in Congo. Congo-Pay is a centralized and secure system that supports multi-channel payment change with speed and transparency, assured the Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, Léon Juste Ibombo.

The country expects the implementation of the Congo-Pay project in this period of the Covid-19 health crisis, he said, the revitalization of financial inclusion services accessible to rural populations in isolated areas and the facilitation of trade. commercial, money transfers. “The deployment of such solutions offers local conditions conducive to the social development of the country and to the materialization of the government’s will,” insisted Léon Juste Ibombo.

It should be noted that the launch of the test phase of the Congo-Pay project by TarraPay aims to convince the Congolese authorities of its impact on the national economy.

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