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Chad’s modernization of infrastructure to boost the economy

The Minister of Posts, New Technologies of Information and Communication, Idriss Saleh Bachar, affirmed, this Tuesday, that the project of modernization of the infrastructures and the electronic communications must make it possible to build the Chadian economy.

The government of Chad, through the Ministry of Posts, New Information and Communication Technologies, launched on the 7th July the construction of a national centre for digital data and storage. This is due to the low rates linked to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as well as difficulties in inter-city exchanges by the population of Chad.

Today’s initiative to interconnect provinces within the country aims to modernize electronic communications and infrastructure. It should allow “inter-city exchanges to boost the development of economic activities,” according to Minister Idriss Saleh Bachar.

For the Minister in charge of ICT, the modernization project of infrastructures and electronic communications is part of the logic of the diversification of growth levers whose “ultimate goal is to build a strong and resilient national economy”.

It should be noted that the pandemic of the new coronavirus has impacted the Chadian economy. Through intercity exchanges, “the whole country places immense hopes on the various spinoffs,” the Minister of Posts, New Information and Communication Technologies said.

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