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Chad Transitional Parliament authorizes the government to ratify the cooperation agreement on criminal policing between CEMAC States

The national advisors adopted, this Tuesday, March 19 at the Palace of Democracy, the bill ratifying the cooperation agreement in matters of criminal police between the States of Central Africa.

The session began with the reading of the criminal police cooperation agreement between the Central African States.

This agreement aims to improve cooperation between the police services of the Central African States with a view to strengthening their capacities in the field of preventing the fight against cross-border crime. This framework aims to create a regional space for police cooperation in Central Africa to establish a dynamic mechanism for the operation of the structures created for this purpose and for the facilitation of cooperation.

In general discussions, national advisors approved this cooperation agreement in criminal policing between the States of Central Africa. They ask that there be follow-up for the implementation of this agreement. On the other hand, other national advisors demand that light be shed on the multiple cases of disappearances and murders of Chadian students in Cameroon.

Defending the said project, the Minister of Public Security and Immigration, Mahamat Charfadine Margui thanked the national advisors for suggestions and observations which will allow the implementation of this agreement between the States of Central Africa. For him, it is an essential legal instrument in securing the community space and the exchange of information between the police services of the Member States.

The bill ratifying the criminal police cooperation agreement between the States of Central Africa was approved by 161 votes in favor, 0 against and one abstention.