$ 96,239

Central African Republic budgets 113 billion FCFA to fight Coronavirus

Before the nation’s elected officials on Wednesday, Firmin Ngrebada, Prime Minister of the Central African Republic, announced that the country is counting on a budget for a response plan against coronavirus disease estimated at 133,486,544,990 FCFA

Prime Minister Firmin Ngrebada met with the Presidents of Commissions of the National Assembly. The Members of Parliament  wanted  to have clarification on the response of the Government to the Covid 19 pandemic in the Central African Republic.

“We want to measure the degree of commitment of the Government especially its plan in case of generalization of Covid 19″an MP told reporters.

In his speech, Prime Minister Firmin Ngrebada announced to MPs that the Government, in its response plan, established a budget of 133,486,544,990 FCFAFirmin Ngrebada continued, “this amount could increase after the adoption of the national action plan for responding to the Coronavirus pandemic.”

To match ambition with execution, the Minister of Finance and Budget Henri -Marie Dondra was in negotiation by video conference with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), this Friday April 10, 2020, from  the representation of the Fund in Bangui whose head office is in Washington.

The negotiations focused on several points in the presence of Mr. Davis, representative of the IMF. These points include, among others, “the rapid credit facility, the measures taken by the authorities to reduce non-essential expenses, the needs of the Central African Republic, the strategic plan to combat Covid19, negotiations with other development partners with CAR.”

In addition, the Minister of Finance responded to the concerns of the IMF by mentioning his trip to Brazzaville and the need to respect the macroeconomic framework agreed with the IMF and will in the coming days propose a collective budget to the government to take into account the new orientations of the President of the Republic imposed by the situation of COVID19.

For COD-2020, there is a lack of transparency in the management of the financial support allocated by external partners in the fight against Covid19.

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