Elected with 98.18% of the votes from the Groupement des Entreprises du Cameroun (Gecam), Célestin Tawamba, the only candidate in the race, presented to business leaders the roadmap which will establish new rules for a Cameroonian employers more strong.
“We are going to do it, ladies and gentlemen, breaking with the past. For this, we must make commitments here. And the first commitment we must make is that of service. The mandate that we requested, and that was given to us, assigns us more duties than it confers on us rights. We must resolutely devote ourselves to serving our members, to listen to them, whatever their size, to protect them against misfortunes, hazards, crises… Together we form a combat team, and I would like to underline the honor which It will be mine to raise your skills and intelligence to the highest level. The expertise that is ours, each in their sector of activity, will be an ingredient in the reinvention of employers,” indicates the new president of Gecam.

By taking the reins of Cameroonian employers on April 9, 2024, Célestin Tawamba reassured the various business leaders to put behind him all the habits of the past and that all things will become new. In order to promote the growth and development of Cameroon, the new elected president of Gecam called for close collaboration with his peers as well as the strengthening of relationships between the private sector and the government with a view to having a favorable atmosphere for investment and business.
“At this precise moment, I measure in our socio-economic context, which is going through an unprecedented crisis in the face of worrying immobility, the weight of your many concerns. Just as I am fully aware of the legitimate expectations you have. It is up to us now to mobilize all our energies so that today is better than yesterday. And that tomorrow will be better than today, to provide concrete solutions to the difficulties experienced by SMEs, VSEs, large companies, very large companies, in short, our entire private sector. We must be aware of what storms will confront us, and we must be able to be bold, to avoid disastrous impacts. Convinced that alone, we can go faster, together, we can go further,” underlines Celestin Tawamba knowing the difficult context in which the private sector finds itself.
In order to have a financially strong employers, the new president of Gecam on five axes namely: position Gecam at the heart of exchanges for the implementation of all public policies having an impact on the business environment, rethink a structure decentralized organic capable of offering members services adapted to their real needs according to their size and the sectors they represent, supporting SMEs and their managers with dedicated tools, to make them levers of growth, of employment and wealth, in Cameroon and in the sub-region in the light of the Zlecaf.
In addition, Célestin Tawamba intends to support Small and Medium Enterprises that do not have the means for external services to provide them with a service dedicated to supporting them in the preparation of correspondence addressed to certain tax, customs and social administrations in response or not, to the controls they undergo.