$ 95,425

CAMTEL budgets 8.6 Billion FCFA for 2025

Modernizing and strengthening infrastructure, gradually resolving network access problems and improving the quality of services, this is the direction that will be given to the budget of 326.2 billion CFA francs adopted for the 2025 financial year (317.6 billion allocated for the year 2024).

Conclusions from the work of the board of directors held on December 30 and 31, 2024 in Yaoundé. We learned that this envelope will be used to carry out the projects of the 2025-2027 performance program. In detail, the projects to be carried out during the said three-year period will focus on the launch of the Blue Money mobile financial service.

This will allow, assures the top management of Camtel, to strengthen the achievements and consolidate existing services, to diversify the service offer in response to a rapidly changing market, to optimize the management of the company by observing the rules of transparency and good governance.

Holder of a mobile telephony license since 2014, and sole manager of the fiber optic network whose current linear length is 12,000 kilometers, or approximately 90% of the 58 departments in the country. The historic operator also intends to invest in the installation of new antennas and the modernization of equipment already available. Indeed, faced with the eternal problem of quality of service, which remains criticized by consumers. These investments should provide an adequate response to consumers’ concerns, while relieving the main mobile telephony operators, Orange Cameroon and MTN Cameroon.

As a reminder, and despite criticism, the Cameroonian public company prides itself on good financial health. Upon observation and according to the figures revealed by the structure, its turnover is following an upward trend. It rose from 108 billion FCFA in 2018 to 207 billion FCFA in 2023. The same goes for its capital, which rose from 67 billion to 117 billion FCFA during the period under review. In addition, this telephone company made a profit of 11 billion FCFA in 2023 and has claimed, since its creation, the payment of a dividend of 4.6 billion FCFA to the public treasury.

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