$ 96,071

IMF Team expected in Congo in the weeks ahead

Led by Senior Social Protection Specialist Joachim Boko, the World Bank (WB) delegation will be in the Congolese capital from February 3 to 14. This mission is expected to accelerate the implementation of the social safety net program, including the launch of the new phase of cash transfers to vulnerable families.

The arrival of the WB delegation is part of the support for the implementation of the Social Protection and Productive Inclusion of Youth Project (PSIPJ), financed by the Bretton Woods institution to the tune of more than 83.7 billion CFA francs (133 million dollars). The emissaries of this institution will meet with the supervisory authorities, including especially with the PSIPJ facilitators on the progress made before visiting the Soukisa markets, in the fifth district, Ouenzé, and Total, in the second district, Bacongo.

The two state markets are selected for a pilot program on early childhood with the development of spaces to house daycare centers and childcare centers for women working around the premises. The field trip will allow visitors to assess the results of the efforts undertaken in favor of this initiative, the aim of which is to contribute to improving access to quality early childhood development services for women, their children and vulnerable families.

During these ten days, the mission will review the progress of the implementation of activities and prepare the mid-term review of the project; work with the Congolese party on the identification and development of spaces for the installation of pilot crèches for early childhood; launch data collection for a comprehensive diagnosis of employment in the Republic of Congo; and launch consultations with stakeholders on the preparation of a roadmap for digital payments for cash transfers.

Officially launched in July 2024, the PSIPJ aims to provide emergency assistance to households affected by the health and economic crisis caused by COVID-19 and to increase access to social safety nets for poor and vulnerable households and young people in the selected intervention areas. It provides for the creation of the National Solidarity Fund of the Single Social Registry Management Agency, the National Agency for Integration, and the Social and Solidarity Economy. It also provides for the financing of cash transfers for income-generating activities for 2,000 vulnerable households, the self-employment training component for 33,000 young people in Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, Dolisie in Niari, and Ouesso in Sangha, as well as 2,600 young people in various technical and professional professions.

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