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Cameroon Digitalizes Sales of Fiscal stamps

Starting November 15, Cameroonian citizens will be able to purchase their tax stamps via a digital platform. An innovative reform that promises to secure tax revenues, simplify administrative procedures and combat fraud.

The Minister of Finance, Louis Paul Motaze, formalized, on November 1 , the implementation of the dematerialization of tax stamps in Cameroon. This measure, which will come into force on November 15, marks a turning point towards the complete digitalization of administrative procedures. From now on, citizens will be able to obtain their tax stamps online via the platform of the General Directorate of Taxes (DGI), thus simplifying the process of obtaining documents such as the driving license, the registration card, the firearms license, and many others.

This initiative not only aims to facilitate the procedures for users, but also to strengthen the security of tax revenues. For years, the counterfeiting of tax stamps has harmed public finances, a situation denounced by authorities such as Samuel Dieudonné Ivaha Diboua, governor of the Littoral region, who, in 2021, revealed the existence of a counterfeiting network in his region. The introduction of stamping machines more than a decade ago had not been enough to effectively counter fraud.

The adoption of dematerialization will make it possible to eliminate cash transactions, which are often prone to abuse, and to eliminate stamping machines. The electronic payment receipt, verifiable on the DGI platform, will replace the physical imprint of stamps and will guarantee the authenticity of transactions.

The digitalization of tax services represents a major asset for the Cameroonian economy. The figures speak for themselves: between 2010 and 2022, the State’s tax revenues increased by 140%, from 992 billion FCFA to 2,384 billion FCFA, an increase of 1,392 billion FCFA. This progression demonstrates the benefits of integrating technologies into public finance management.

The ultimate goal of this reform is to create a more transparent, efficient and secure administrative environment. By eliminating cash transactions, the government wants to reduce the risks of corruption and embezzlement. This transformation is the result of several years of work to modernize tax services and harmonize tax collection procedures.

The official launch of the dematerialization of tax stamps in Cameroon is an essential step towards digital taxation. The success of this reform will contribute to the modernization of the administration and the sustainability of public finances. For citizens, it is a guarantee of simplification and transparency in administrative procedures.

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