Aline Valerie Mbono was appointed to this position at the end of the Board of Directors of the Groupement Inter-patronal, held on Friday January 15, 2021 in Douala. After the resignation of Alain Blaise Batonge from his post of executive secretary of the Groupement Inter-patronal du Cameroun (GICAM), the Board of Directors of the institution, meeting on Friday, January 15, 2021 in Douala, found a replacement for him. .
This is Aline Valérie Mbono, appointed executive director of GICAM, reports a press release signed by the president of this organization, Célestin Tawamba. “Madame Mbono is the first woman to head the operational structure of GICAM. At the same time, the function she will occupy changes its name, from Executive Secretary to Executive Director / Executive Director, following on from the reforms initiated in December 2018 with, among other things, the transformation of the Executive Board into the Board of Directors. »

This 46-year-old lawyer is an administrative executive, having served from December 2011 to October 2020, as head of the Legal Affairs Division at the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (ANTIC). She also offered her services as Legal and Tax Counsel then Legal and Tax Manager at Okalla Ahanda & Associés for ten years, between 1999 and 2009.
On February 1, 2021, she will officially take the place of Alain Blaise Batongue, who has passed nine years in this role. In the process, Jacques Jonathan Nyemb, Administrator at GICAM, was appointed spokesperson for Célestin Tawamba. He will officially take office on Monday, January 18, 2021.