The Gabonese Minister for Petroleum took part in the Council of Ministers of the African Organization of the Petroleum Producing Countries (APPO) on June 15, held by videoconference. At the end of this meeting, the participants resolved to envisage the future with the Covid-19, in particular by emphasizing the sharing of experiences to develop the African petroleum industry.
Several items were on the agenda for the 38th session of the Council of Ministers of the African Organization of the Petroleum Producing Countries (APPO), held on June 15 by videoconference. During the meeting, which was attended by the Gabonese Minister of Petroleum, the participants discussed in particular the impact of Covid-19 on the African petroleum industry.
In this regard, the APPO ministers are unanimous in the fact that this crisis must allow African countries to learn lessons and tighten ties. “Africa is overflowing with immense resources, but it lacks the technology and the funding,” they said.
The latter resolved to envisage the future with the Covid-19 and see what arrangements are necessary and how to pool efforts in sharing experiences to develop the African oil industry. The APPO ministers also agreed on “the importance of developing south-south cooperation in the field of the oil industry and taking stock of the technologies mastered by the States and the human resources which master these technologies ”.
The Council of Ministers of the Appo also discussed the progress of the work of the new headquarters of the Appo in Brazzaville and, the organization of the 1st summit of the heads of state and government of the Appo next year, still in the Congolese capital. On this last point, the evolution of the health crisis will make it possible to know if the physical presence of heads of state will be possible.
The APPo is an intergovernmental organization which promotes joint policy and management strategy initiatives in all areas of the petroleum industry. Objective: to allow member countries to profit from their logging activities. Created in 1987, this organization brings together 18 countries including Gabon.