$ 84,416

Kribi Deep Sea Port registers 450 stop overs

The information is contained in the information bulletin of the Port Authority published on January 7, 2021. 457 is the number of calls recorded by the Autonomous Port of Kribi (PAK), in the southern region, in 2020. This figure represents an overrun of 17.7% compared to the forecasts of the Port Authority, which rather hoped for 376 stopovers.

Despite the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic which disrupted traffic, this good performance is linked to the fact that the port authority “quickly put in place a response plan including a strategic readjustment … traffic forecasts have been met. you, new operators have continued to set up, whether they are leaseholders or agents and finally, new shippers and receivers have placed their trust in the port of Kribi ”, explains the general manager of PAK, Patrice Melom.

Regarding customs revenue from the operation of the port, they are those expected: 70 billion FCFA by the end of 2020, we read. For Patrice Melom, “this is absolutely not negligible, since we started with a billion annual revenue without the port in 2017, to increase to 9 billion in 2018. A first year in which we only operated for nine months. In 2019, which was the port’s first full year of operation, customs still recorded CFAF 24 billion ”, he says.

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