$ 84,344

Germany provides 33 billion FCFA funding for reproductive health and rural infrastructure development in Cameroon

The three related cooperation agreements were signed on December 17, 2020. The ceremony organized for the occasion was held in Yaoundé, in the conference room of the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Territorial Development. . Cameroon will be able to finance some of its projects thanks to cooperation with Germany.

We learned this December 17, 2020, in Yaoundé, on the occasion of the signing of three cooperation agreements between the country of Paul Biya, represented by Alamine Ousmane Mey, the Minister of the Economy, and Germany, represented by Corinna Fricke, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany.

In detail, the first agreement falls within the framework of technical cooperation. Worth 32 million euros, the latter is devoted to financing local development, civil status, and regional planning. The same funding is also intended for the modernization of public finances.

Next to this first agreement, there are two others which are financial agreements. Their amount is 9 million euros each. This funding is intended to support Cameroon in areas such as reproductive health and the development of rural infrastructure. Overall, Cameroon will benefit from 50 million euros or 33 billion CFA francs from Germany.

This significant financial support will be very useful in the implementation of the 2035 vision contained in the National Development Strategy for the period 2020-2030. The ultimate goal is for Cameroon to become an emerging country by 2035.

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