$ 84,422

Gabon records 59%drop in Transport revenue in nine months this year

The Covid-19 has had a very negative impact on the transport sector. According to figures from Libreville Airport (ADL) released by the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac), on December 15, air transport recorded a drop of 55.7% over the first nine months of the year. year 2020.

Despite a gradual resumption of activities, commercial aircraft movements fell by 55.7% over the first 9 quarters of 2020 in Gabon. © D.R.

The health crisis resulting from Covid-19 has had a strong impact on the air transport sector in Gabon. According to the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac), based on figures from Libreville Airport (ADL), air traffic in Gabon dropped significantly during the first nine months of the year. It suffered a decrease of 55.7% over the first three quarters.

*** Local Caption *** Une vue partille de l’AŽroport International Leon Mba de Libreville

According to ADL figures, “at the end of September 2020, despite a gradual resumption of activities, commercial aircraft movements fell by 55.7%, the number of passengers by 65.4% and the freight volume by 5%. compared to 2019, at the same period ”. On a quarterly basis, we observe an increase in activity from the third quarter following the resumption of commercial passenger flights, departing and arriving at the country’s airports from July 11, at a rate of 2 weekly flights by company.

In the reference table, as of September 30, the Léon Mba Libreville international airport welcomed 203,860 travelers (international: 140,800 (-64.6%); domestic: 40,802 (-65.8%); in transit : 22,258 (-69%)), compared to 588,710 during the same period last year, a decrease of 65.4%.

It should be noted that at the end of these first nine quarters, the ADL recorded 5,112 aircraft movements, compared to 11,541 over the same period in 2019. A drop of 55.7%. In detail, the platform handled 3,259 international flights compared to 7,439 last year (-56.2%). Domestically, it recorded 1,853 movements between January and September, against 4,102 during the same interval in 2019 (-54.8%).

These considerable reductions relate to the ban on domestic and international flights in the country, from March 2020, as part of the response against the spread of Covid-19.

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