$ 87,581

FAO and Cameroon Government seal 1 billion FCFA Convention to boost Agro-pastorial sector

Mitigating the short-term impacts of food and nutritional insecurity in targeted areas, strengthening economic, climatic and community resilience these are the outlines of the framework financing agreement signed on April 22, 2024 in Yaoundé between the State of Cameroon and the FAO, whose Director General, Qu Dongyu is visiting Cameroon.

Called “ Emergency Project to Combat the Food Crisis in Cameroon” (PULCCA), the said project will be financed to the tune of 1,617,616,433 FCFA and implemented in the regions of the North, the Far North, and the North. West, South-West, Adamaoua and East; and 05 components should be taken into account in its implementation.

As part of supporting the development of small agricultural production units; This will involve acquiring and distributing 3,950 input kits in the banana-plantain and market gardening sectors in the Eastern region. Regarding support for the development of small animal, aquaculture and fisheries production units, 900 kits of production inputs in the milk, traditional poultry, broiler, table egg, pork, small ruminants and honey sectors should be acquired and distributed; without forgetting the vaccination of 150,000 traditional poultry.

Another component, technical assistance for sustainable management practices where 8,000 beneficiaries should be trained in the East, Adamaoua, North and Far North regions; then we note the strengthening of the technical capacities of 4,100 breeders through the farmer field school approach and climate-smart production. And finally the establishment of 20 forage fields and 20 km of marking of transhumance corridors and livestock tracks in the Eastern region.

In addition to the components mentioned above, the Pulcca project is also oriented towards supporting the strengthening of government capacity for monitoring food security crises, information systems and agrometeorological services; management, monitoring and evaluation of the Project and the Contingent Emergency Response (RUC).

Briefly, this multifaceted support from the FAO will allow Cameroon to capitalize on the experience of the UN institution in the agricultural sector in the broad sense, but much more to increase access to food and reduce household vulnerability to climatic shocks. and producers targeted within the framework of Pulcca. While welcoming the quality of relations between Cameroon, Gabriel Mbaïrobe, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, called on each of the stakeholders to play their part in order to achieve optimal results.

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