$ 56,387

Chadian Prime Minister and Foreign investors discuss Cooperation avenues

The Prime Minister, head of government, Amb. Allah-Maye Halina granted an audience this Monday, June 17, 2024, to a delegation of American, Canadian and Turkish investors.

The delegation came to discuss investment opportunities in Chad with the Head of Government, particularly in the mining, education and health sectors.

For the representative of the group, Mr. Ali Gursoy, it is concretely a question of increasing the energy production capacity with the construction of an energy plant and strengthening the production capacity of the Chad petroleum company, in order to respond in a manner more effective to the ever-growing needs of the Chadian population.

This cooperation and development partnership also aims to support the Chadian government in the implementation of structuring projects, by developing solidarity economies and strengthening the capacities of women.

The Prime Minister, Ambassador Allah-maye Halina, who makes investment for development one of the priorities of his Government’s general policy, sees this partnership as a major asset to truly boost the national economy and boost the development of Chad.