$ 84,206

CEMAC Commission Chairman expresses optimism over French investments

While in Brazzaville, the president of the Commission of CEMAC (Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa), Daniel Ona Ondo, confirmed, on November 6, the holding of the meeting intended to mobilize European investors around integrative projects. .

Scheduled for November 16 and 17 in the French capital, the infrastructure funding roundtable should be maintained despite the resurgence of the coronavirus pandemic in France and elsewhere in Europe.

At the end of a working session with the Congolese Minister of Planning, Statistics, Regional Integration and Transport, Ingrid Ebouka-Babackas, the President of the Cémac Commission reiterated the commitment of the sub- region for development and integration.

“We are going to meet in Paris to bring together funders around integrative projects. It’s a huge challenge! With the Minister of Integration, we discussed the preparations for this important meeting, the objective of which is to attract private investors, within a framework of public-private partnership, to ensure the realization of the selected projects.

I am sure that with the substantive work that we have done and the analysis of the files, we will succeed, ”said Daniel Ona Ondo, adding that out of the twelve integrating files selected, two of them have already found tenants, in particular the electrification project between Cameroon and Chad.

It should be noted that the sub-region is seeking to mobilize FCFA 2,820 billion for projects such as the construction of the Ouesso-Bangui-N’Djamena asphalt road; the Kribi-Campo-Bata bridge linking Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea; the dry port of Beloko on the Douala-Bangui corridor; the dry port of Dolisie on the Gabon-Congo corridor; the Cameroon – Chad power grid interconnection line; of the Chollet hydroelectric dam between Cameroon, Congo, CAR and Gabon.

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