$ 86,988

CCA Bank opens about 45.000 Accounts in 2023

The privately-owned bank provided this information in its recent activity report, which also indicates the significant impact of the digitalization of its services as a lever for its performance. Up 20.1% compared to 2022, the creation of 43,679 new accounts was made possible thanks to the digitalization of services observed within this banking establishment. According to Marguerite Fonkwen Atanga, Managing Director of CCA-Bank, “the introduction of new digital tools has facilitated access to our services for all our customers, wherever they are”. If technological innovation remains a strong argument, CCA-Bank has, through this digitalization, presented satisfactory figures at the end of 2023.

Based on the data revealed by the report, the total balance sheet for the period under review grew by 27.1% year-on-year to reach 647.03 billion FCFA. With 63 automatic teller machines (ATMs) available on its network; CCA-Bank’s net banking income increased by 18% year-on-year to reach 38.5 billion CFA francs, for a gross result of 14.1 billion CFA francs. In the same vein, outstanding customer credit increased by 24.8% to reach 286.03 billion CFA francs; outstanding deposits observed an increase of 26.03% compared to 2022 to reach 518.5 billion CFA francs.

To better appreciate these multifaceted results, the general manager of this Cameroonian bank assures that, “Despite the difficult economic context, CCA-Bank has remained faithful to its vision. We have relied on our quality human resources, controlled management processes and adapted infrastructures to offer innovative services.”

To achieve double-digit growth in key financial and management indicators, the bank has strengthened its technological infrastructure, improved service for an exceptional customer experience and expanded its range of financial products. Indeed, “We have invested in digital to offer faster, safer and more efficient banking services,” insisted Marguerite Fonkwen Atanga.

At the dawn of fierce competition in the banking sector. Between challenging other players in the sector and promoting its products and services, CCA-Bank managers have implemented several initiatives, including Customer Experience Week, to strengthen customer relations. The aim is to better understand and respond to customer needs.

Ultimately, it is driven by digital technology that the bank created by Albert Nkamla recorded good results at the end of the 2023 financial year. “New technologies constitute new assets and development challenges,” assured Albert Nkemla, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CCA-Bank.

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