$ 83,409

CAR unveils Treasury Security Offer to investors in Douala

Hervé Ndoba, Central African Minister of Finance and Budget, during a roadshow in Douala was in front of investors in order to raise the said amount to cover the current investment needs of the State.

After the passage of Gabon, here is the Central African Republic which appears before Cameroonian investors in Douala in search of an amount of 200 billion FCFA to cover investment needs. “Cameroon’s weight in mobilizing funds is significant. Douala has today become the financial center of the sub-region. And even if it is a bank from the CAR which remains the primary mobilizer of our resources on the securities market, it is a Cameroonian bank in this case CCA Bank which is the largest holder of securities from the CAR, with a holding rate of just over 15%,” explains Hervé Ndoba, Central African Minister of Finance and Budget.

It is a question for the country of Faustin Archange Touadera to raise 100 billion FCFA in Treasury securities, and the rest in bond loans. For this, a roadshow was organized to better explain the ins and outs to Cameroonian investors. The main reason to come to Cameroon is that 70% of Treasury Value Specialists (SVTs) are based in Cameroon. According to Dieu-Béni-Socrate Djamawa-Endjikpeno head of the negotiation department, renegotiation of loans and issuance of public securities

“We have a network of 10 specialists in Treasury securities. And of these, seven are in Cameroon and only three in CAR,” “Cameroon has a significant investment plate in terms of investors’ portfolio. We came to capitalize on those who are there, if we manage to convince them, it will be easy to ventilate subsequently in the sub-region.”

Situated in a situation where the CAR struggles to mobilize funds on the market, the mobilization rate of which is 50%. In order to demonstrate his good faith, Hervé Ndoba, Central African Minister of Finance and Budget, by highlighting the efforts that have been made, namely: good transparency, governance, solvency and reliability. “Since the Central African Republic entered the Treasury securities market in 2011, no payment default has been recorded. All installments are paid in arrears. In addition, the market debt repayment mechanism is guaranteed by an automatic debit by the Beac,” underlines the Minister.

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