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CAMTEL makes resounding profits in 2020

The document on the performance of this public company for the year 2020 reveals that it also ended the year 2020 with a 32% increase in the number of subscribers and a recovery rate of 101%.

The coronavirus pandemic, which has been raging for more than a year in the world, has obviously not had any impact on the activities of CAMTEL (Cameroon Telecommunications). Indeed, according to the performance evaluation of this public company for the year 2020, operated by the newspaper EcoMatin edition of March 10, 2021, the company ended the last financial year with “32% growth in the subscriber base, 35% change in revenue, 60% overall level of customer satisfaction, 25% additional turnover, 101% recovery rate and 106% recovery rate from the administration ”, we learn.

“Unparalleled performance”, according to CAMTEL, which was made possible “by a refocusing and revitalization of the human capital of the company, the stabilization of jobs, the recruitment of a hundred young people, the automatic payment of the rights of retirees, the repayment of social contributions, etc. ”

On a technical level, CAMTEL has also repositioned itself both nationally and sub-regionally with in particular“ the signing of partnership agreements with telecom operators in Chad (SOS Télécoms and Sotel), commissioning of a new data center, obtaining three concession agreements for the operation of fixed and mobile electronic communications networks and for the transport of communications ” .

The year 2020 was also marked by the obtaining of ISO 9001 2015 certification for the wholesale scope, and the establishment of a fixed, mobile and transport business unit in accordance with its concession titles. According to the Director of Standards and Quality at CAMTEL, Claude Bouli, “the consequence is an improvement of around 4% in customer satisfaction and more efficient processes compared to 2019. The current challenge is to finalize the implementation of such systems for mobile and fixed, ”he explains.

For Judith Yah Sunday, CEO of CAMTEL, the good results obtained emanate from “a winning combination of top management leadership, staff involvement and customer buy-in”, we read.