$ 95,891

Cameroon’s Tax authorities prescribe unique Taxpayer number for economic operations

To carry out an economic transaction in Cameroon, you must now have a unique identifier number (NIU), also called the taxpayer number. These are the requirements of the 2020 finance law, confirmed by the press release from the Director General of Taxes, Modeste Mopa Fatoing.

The taxpayer number is a number assigned to a natural or legal person which identifies him as a taxpayer and distinguishes him from others. This number is unique and final. It allows the tax authorities to know each taxpayer, their characteristics and even their rights and obligations in a specific way.

This number is required for opening a bank account, taking out an insurance contract, subscribing to water and electricity networks, land registration and  accreditation to regulated professions.

The Head of Legislation and International tax relations at the Directorate General of Taxes, Fayçal Abdoulaye believes that, “The advantage of being able to identify all of our taxpayers is part of a process to broaden the tax base through the census of new taxpayers. In fact, by targeting current economic operations carried out by taxpayers, the tax administration gives itself the means to have a database on all potential taxpayers.” The unique identification number can be obtained free of charge from the taxpayer’s home tax center. But, it can also be obtained online. Also, the tax administration automatically assigns the number  to all salaried taxpayers (public and private) who do not yet have it. You just have to consult them on the Taxation website.

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