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Cameroon seals deal with DTA to promote Digital Economy

It is an international non-profit organization exploring the potential of digitization for the benefit of engineering and industry. In order to digitize the country’s businesses, Cameroon, through its Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts (MINPMEESA), Achille Bassilekin III, signed a partnership agreement with the Digital-Transformation Alliance (DTA), represented by its founder and executive chairman, Prof. Mbang Sama. The signing took place on January 8, 2021 in Yaoundé.

According to the state daily Cameroon Tribune published on January 11, 2021, the DTA is “an international non-profit organization exploring the potential of digitization for the benefit of engineering and industry”. Thus, the said convention aims “to help Cameroonian creators and producers to access and master digitalization technologies, advanced engineering and modern leadership”, we read.

According to the Minister: “Today’s signing of the convention further concretizes this dynamic of transformation that our country must face. This is in line with the message that the Head of State sent to the nation on December 31, 2020 and in which he specifically set out the orientations and strategic axes through which our development strategy should lead to the emergence.”

In the opinion of the founder and executive chairman of the DTA: “this partnership concerns the development of processes and tools, and the preparation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem for the challenges of transformation, without forgetting the development of joint projects and the search for funding.

This partnership also aims to work towards the creation and connection of a network of incubation structures; to develop and implement capacity building, entrepreneurship and innovation promotion programs. The creation of content and the development of technological tools and platforms are not left out ”, we read.

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