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Cameroon launches “Fonds-Proto”

The “Proto-Fund” was officially launched on June 15, 2020.
The “Fonds-Proto”, the new support tool for small and medium-sized enterprises, was officially launched on June 15, 2020. At the end of the exercises,  the Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts, Achille Bassilekin III, has clarified some aspects of the project.

The Minister revealed that, the implementation of the Proto-Fund involves several stages. “At the outset, there was a media campaign to raise awareness and inform the various targets and the general public in the ten regions.

“Then, today (June 15, 2020), a call for projects will be launched which will result in the selection of projects to support prototyping and a notice of expression of interest which will allow the selection and recruitment of technical service providers who will help the laureates to produce the various prototypes according to the prototyping needs identified at the end of the call for projects.,” Bassilekin III said.

“It will then be necessary to move on to contractualization and the actual support for prototyping … at the end of this stage, a national workshop will be organized to present the results of the support of experts … This ceremony aims to officially present to the government , to all the actors of the ecosystem and to the general public a global assessment of what has been done, after a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of all the stages and components of this first phase of implementation of the Fund-Proto ”, continues the minister.

Finally, the Minister confides that: “this investment turns over three years around 3.235 billion FCFA, of which 20% in operation and 80% in investment (support to beneficiaries).

The budget made available for this first year of testing is 50 million FCFA. Then, it will be necessary to seek resources from various donors to reach 1.185 billion FCFA in 2021 and two billion FCFA in 2022 in order to increase the number of beneficiaries and the impact of the device on our economy. ”

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