$ 83,813

Cameroon government to hand over 1500 tonnes of Agricultural seeds to farmers for 2020 Farming season

In a social context marked by the global health crisis due to Covid-19, the socio-political crisis in the North-West and South-West regions and cash flow tensions affecting the capacity to deploy the projects and programs of the Ministry incharge of agriculture, the 2020 agricultural campaign will mainly revolve around four major axes.

While launching the 2020 Agricultural season, Cameroon’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Gabriel Mbairobe says the main goal is to reduce the risk of food shortages through the development of short-cycle food crops.

 To achieve this, provision is being made for farmers to receive 1,410,000 certified cassava cuttings, or 1,649 tonnes of certified maize seeds. The production of rain-fed rice should be intensified thanks to the 60 tonnes of seeds to be distributed to producers.

Next week, the Ministry of Agriculture will make the first ever distribution of inputs.  1,500,000 banana plants will be given to producers, as well as 200 tonnes of potato seeds. Long after, the action plan will continue with “substantial support for the development of tomatoes, vegetables and other vegetable crops, as well as seeds and phytosanitary products.

“We are going to consolidate the achievements of the cocoa sector by providing cocoa farmers with 6 million plants in April, as well as fertilizers to boost production. Other actions such as the development of the value chain and the conservation and post-harvest processing of agricultural products will be carried out.” The Minister emphasized. He also noted that, the processing of agricultural products through the development of value chains has also increased.

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