The contract was initialed on May 12, 2020 between the Minister of Mines, Industry and Technological Development, Gabriel Dodo Ndoke, and Mohamadou Hamida, the Managing Director of the said company.
In order to revive the timber industry in Cameroon; the Cameroonian government through its Minister of Mines, Industry and Technological Development (MINMIDT), Gabriel Dodo Ndoke, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Cameroonian Society for Industrialization and Exploitation of Wood (SCIEB ), represented by its Managing Director, Mohamadou Hamida. The contract was initialed on May 12, 2020 in Yaoundé.
This act demonstrates the convergence of intentions between the two parties with a view to “the imminent establishment of the forest-wood technopole on the site of the defunct Cellulose du Cameroun (CELLUCAM) in Edéa.”
Thanks to this project, this private company will set up an industrial chain of exploitation and multi-transformation of wood in three phases: “between 2020 and 2022, the private developer plans to build an industrial complex of high level of production and first, second, third and fourth processing of wood.”
From our finding, we learnt, “It will be backed by: a training center for the wood trades, a research and development area as well as commercial structures and support for companies and SMEs in the sector. In the medium term (2022-2024), the construction of a bioenergy production unit based on production waste is planned. Ultimately, by 2024-2027, the SCIEB) intends to set up a pulp production plant. “
At the end of these three phases, the mobilization of investments will reach “approximately 80 billion FCFA”. In addition, according to MINMIDT, “the creation of at least 2,000 direct jobs and 6,000 indirect jobs and positive spin-offs in the local taxation of the municipalities that will be impacted,” CEMAC ECO FINANCE gathered.