$ 83,212

BVMAC record about 14 Billion FCFA worth of transactions in Q1 of 2024

The Central African Stock Exchange (Bvmac) recorded 82 transactions for a total volume of 1,570,945 securities, representing a value of more than 14 billion FCFA in the first quarter of 2024. “The fluctuations in the Bvmac-Asi index during the first quarter of 2024 are mainly driven by the values ​​of the Société africaine forestière et agricole du Cameroun (Safacam) and the Société camerounaise de palmeraies which are recording good financial results likely to lead to a substantial dividend distribution.

This dynamic could be explained by the continued upward trend in raw materials exported to CEMAC in particular, with increases of 25.8% and 8% in the rubber and palm oil markets,” underlines the Bvmac.  

Still during the first quarter of 2024, the market animation was regularly influenced, we learn, by the values ​​of La Régionale, Safacam and Socapalm on the equity compartment and the bond values ​​of the Development Bank of Central African States “BDEAC” and the State of Cameroon “ECME6 and ECMR9” on the bond compartment.

During the first three months of 2024, 13 out of the 24 approved brokerage firms moved the financial market, “a relative value rate of 54.17%”. SG Capital Cemac holds the leading position both in terms of the number of transactions (41) and the value of transactions (27,296,657,130). It is followed by Financia Capital with 34 transactions for a value of 51,617,000 FCFA, Elite Capital Securities (30 transactions) for a value of 47,658,500 FCFA, Afriland Bourse (11 transactions) with a transaction value of 25,044,500 FCFA, EDC Investment (11 transactions) for a value of 7,215,700.

BGFIBourse (9 transactions), Asca (8 transactions), Africa Bright SA (5 transactions), Usca (5 transactions), AFG Capital (3 transactions), CBC  Bourse (3 transactions), CCA Bourse (2 transactions), ESS Bourse (2 transactions) are not left behind among the brokerage firms that have shaken up the financial market. Despite these advances, several analysts point out that the animation of the Central African financial market remains weak.

“The BVMAC is still poorly ranked compared to the thirty or so stock exchanges on the African continent. In West Africa , the financial market is very dynamic. However, we welcome the efforts made by the Bvmac management team to promote stock market culture in our environment. Things are moving and we believe that little by little, we will get there,” explains Richard Domba, economist.

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